Author Topic: Helix 10 Chirp Mega SI Map Display  (Read 5233 times)

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Offline Vicus Horn

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Helix 10 Chirp Mega SI Map Display
« on: October 22, 2018, 01:46:43 AM »
I understand that "Autochart Live" maps and the maps created using my "Autochart Pro" software, are two different things. Well...supposed to be?

The problem I have, is that the distinction between the two different types of map is not very clear when using them on my Helix 10 Mega. They seem to be sort of "intertwined". It may simply be a case of the menu options not being clear, or it may be that they are treated as the same thing partially or entirely by the control head software.

The main problem is that the menu options make no clear distinction between "Autchart Live" maps and PC created maps. It could easily be done just by referring to "Autochart Live" explicitly?


I have only 3 options:

1. None

2.2D Base Map

3. Autochart

I sort of get the idea that if I select "Autochart" here, it is the PC created map, because I notice that if I select "Autochart" here, my custom shoreline that I created on the PC is part of the map that is displayed, and the contour lines shown seems to take this custom shoreline into account. But hard to really be 100% sure, as the menu options make no distinction. But so far, so good.... although it would be helpful if I had a clear option here to either select "Autochart Live" or just "Autochart".


When I am displaying a chart view, I presss "Menu" to bring up the charting X-Press Menu, and I select "Autochart", I get options to show or hide Autochart, or start or stop recording. And, I get various options to control how this "Autochart" is displayed. This includes "Vegetation" and "Bottom Hardness", colour palette etc. So this looks to me to all be related only to "Autochart Live". Once again, it would help a ton if I had explicit "Autochart Live" and "Autochart" options.

I use this Autochart Live display to guide me while making sonar recordings, so that I have good visualization of how well I am covering the area I want to map. So I normally have my sonar recording and Autochart Live recording running at the same time while mapping.

So at the moment when I am not recording and want to simply use my PC created maps, I would want to have only my PC Created map shown, and Autochart Live set to "hidden" so that I can now enjoy fishing while using my PC created map.

And this is where the problem lies. For if I hide my Autochart Live, I seem to have very little control over how my PC map is displayed.

In order to use my PC Created map, I have to select it either as a base layer or overlay (usually base layer), and hide the "Autochart Live" map.
Problem is.....if I do that, I lose all control over how the map is displayed. Because all the X-Press menu map display controls seem to be only related to the "Live" map.

I can still show the vegetation and bottom hardness layers, but these seem to be generated via "Autochart Live", in spite of the fact that the "Live" map is set to "hidden". But I cannot change the appearance of my PC created map at all, regarding colour palette etc.

Things would be far simpler and less confusing if the PC and the "Live" maps each had their own, separate, explicit controls. As it is, it confuses the $%#@ out of me.

As it is, I seem to have full control over how "Autochart Live" is displayed as far as bottom layer, contour spacing, colour palette etc. is concerned, but no control what so ever over how my PC map is displayed. It seems to come up only as "dead" a base layer showing black contour lines with no colouring, and I cant find any option or way to adjust it.

And then there is the disconnect between how well the vegetation layer shows up on my pc and the vegetation layer that seems to generated by Autochart Live. The quality of the vegetation layer on my PC is way better. Wish I could display it properly on my Helix Unit!
Or maybe I am missing something, and the "Live" and "PC" maps actually do have separated controls for bottom layer, colour palette etc.? 

My(humble) opinion:

The map display options would be much clearer and user-friendly if:

1. The Main Menu base layer and overlay display options had explicit "Autochart Live" and "Autochart" options.

2. The X-Press chart menu had two entirely separate sections to display either "Autochart Live" or "Autochart", with the "Autochart" sections having the full display customization options that the "Live" map has, like vegetation, colour palette etc.

And it would really help if the "Autochart" vegetation layer was displayed exactly as on my PC when I create the map. (There is really a big difference currently, on my unit)

Can anyone help clear up my confusion or make a useful suggestion?
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 12:38:23 AM by Vicus Horn »

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