A new version of SonarTRX has been released.
SonarTRX 10.9 has an updated viewer that allows for capturing and managing a list of "Target" locations from each sonar recording. Individual target locations can be captured and pasted into Google Earth as kml placemarks for immediate validation. Targets can also be exported to kml placemarks "in bulk" while generating mosaic image tiles from the recording. (This saves time, as compared to first having to generate high-resolution image-tiles and then marking the targets with Google Earth.)
The viewer can also insert "water-mark-gridlines" into the images at various grid spacing. The same can be done to indicate the transducer altitude values present in the sonar recordings. (The altitude can then be compared to the visible sonar data to validate the sonars ability to "lock in" on the bottom.)
Please see:
http://www.sonartrx.com for more information.