Bought a new boat and it came with a Solix 10 MSI at the console. I have spent a lot of time doing AC Live and Mosaic Live recordings. I have been using Navionics cards for 10+ years, and would like to keep doing that as I have several different versions of South cards that have different levels of details for lakes, but not sure if I need to switch to Lakemaster and how much I am giving up there. Right now I use Lowrance Insight Planner at home to view Navionic map data at home and waypoint up lakes. I really like the Mega SI detail of the bird, but saving and recalling Mosaics on the Bird is much harder and not automatic like it is with my HDS/Structurescan units on my other boat. I ordered Autochart Pro and it will be here tomorrow, and am trying to work around the AC Live/Mosaic live limitations with Autochart Pro software I hope. I also ordered the Lake Images DVD this morning. I searched around on here and found a lot of 2017 posts, but wondering if the Bird tech has changed since then. Questions I have are:
1) I have recorded a bunch of Mosaic live files that are .SIM files. Can Autochart Pro read those, or do I need to go back to the lakes I recorded on and do Sonar recording (.DAT files I think)? It appears that Autochart Pro pulls only from .DAT files, and gets side imaging data from that, correct?
2) I tournament fish and mostly on rocky lakes, so I will end up with about 20 or so recordings of rocky points, rocky ridges or ledges, etc for the 15 lakes I mainly fish. Trying to go to Mosaic live, show files, and pick from a list of 200 files and pick the correct point that I created a recording on is not real feasible. If I want to continue to use Navionics and overlay side imaging mosaic data on it, does Autochart Pro have the ability to stitch together 20 different recordings for a lake into one file that I can call "BeaverLake" and all of those side imaging mosaics will overlay on top of Navionics, or am I going to have to switch over to Lake master maps and use Autochart Pro to update a Lakemaster card? If AC Pro can't stitch together all the recordings for a lake and enable me to be able to display all of them for a lake at once, I might not open the box and return the software, as that is the reason I bought it.
3) I have an issue with my unit where it will only record about 300 or so yards, and then I start losing pie slice type chunks out of the beginning of the Mosaic live recording on the screen. When I save the Mosaic Live recording, it also loses that recording data when I go to reload the file. I am recording to normal fast microsd card (not an ACL card). Will recording to an ACL card help or do I have something wrong with this unit potentially and it needs to be sent in? Anybody else have this issue?
Thanks for any insights. Not lazy, have put a ton of time into this but getting frustrated on how un-automatic this seems to be vs Structurescan (where you record, keep that same generic SD card, get to the same spot a week later and your mosaic type imagery autoloads) and am very hopeful I am missing some stuff in my research.