
'11 nitro z-6 997c s… '11 nitro z-6 997c s… '11 nitro z-6 997c s… '11 nitro z-6 997c s… '11 nitro z-6 997c s…
'11 nitro z-6 997c si install
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2011 Z-6 Nitro, the ram mount base wouldnt mount up very well due to the difference in height between the console and the actual side of the boat. I ended up taking the arm off the base, drilling one hole and installing a large washer . I used the bolt that came in the arm and put it up through the whole I drilled from the bottom. I installed the rubber next , then the arm finishing off the with the quick connect threaded top that came on the arm. It all worked nicely,  it also retained its swivel motion.

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  • Total Items: 8
  • Total Comments: 0
PostedDecember 10, 2011, 10:41:55 PM
Width × Height1200 × 900
Filesize244 KB
Filenamesecuredownload[2] (5).jpg
Last EditedDecember 10, 2011, 10:56:30 PM
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