Author Topic: Lake Lanier Fishing Report: Bass are moving into early summer haunts  (Read 18391 times)

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By Eric Aldrich
For The Times
UPDATED  June 4, 2009 5:27 p.m.

Lake Temperatures are upper 70s to lower 80s and the lake level continues to rise. Presently we are around 1,066.2 feet, which is 4.8 feet below a full pool of 1,071 feet.

Lake Lanier is clear on the main lake and slightly stained in the creeks. The main lake and creeks will become stained around the edges on the weekends due to lake traffic. The Chattahoochee River is clear. Check generation schedules before heading out to the river at 770-945-1466.

Bass fishing is pretty consistent as the fish are moving into thier early summer haunts. Target the main lake and secondary points and pay particular attention to submerged humps that rise up within 10 feet of the surface with deep water close by. This time of year we tend to stay way off the banks and actually work the areas where most anglers position their boats.

You can catch some fish by "beating the banks," but the better schools of spotted bass are relating to off shore structure from 10-to 20-feet deep.

I pay a lot of attention to my Humminbird Side Imaging unit to locate the most productive main lake areas. These side imaging units actually show a three-dimensional, photographic type view of rocks, brush piles, timber and even old submerged buildings. This technology has been available from Humminbird for a couple of years while other brands are still working on trying to get it to market. Anglers can also try to remember where the humps, rocks and brush were located in the recent past when lake levels were down.

As with last week’s report, running and gunning can be the best way to find the active schools of fish. On a typical trip you may have to fish several areas with limited success before you eventually collide with a good school of active spotted bass. When you find these active schooling bass you can load the boat in a hurry. Topwater plugs like a Super Spook or SPRO Dawg have been my main lures for catching active fish.

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« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 08:37:20 PM by RGecy »
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