Humminbird Side Imaging Forums

Side Imaging Forums => 997c SI, 998c SI & 999ci HD SI => Topic started by: fishbone on March 14, 2010, 07:02:14 PM

Title: 998cSI and Navionics platinum HotMaps
Post by: fishbone on March 14, 2010, 07:02:14 PM
I fired up my 998 from a battery in the house (no xducer/gps) for the first time. I looked at the lake maps without the Nav card in and thought they looked very lame to the point of not being useful. They only were viewable in simulation mode. I inserted the Nav Platinum and got a bit more detail. But again, only viewable in sim mode. I would have thought the map program should be visible under normal mode.
Also, the menu tab for charts did not have selections for 3D panoramic view, chart overlay, port info, etc.
Does the 998 support Nav Platinum, or did I just throw $200 away?
Has anybody tried this combo?
Title: Re: 998cSI and Navionics platinum HotMaps
Post by: George on March 14, 2010, 08:30:57 PM

The 998 does support the Platinum card. 
To view the charts on your unit other then sim mode,  you will need to have the GPS attached and displaying the current location, and be in the advanced mode.  Then you will need to go to the Chart drop down menu and select then in Chart Select you will choose left or right chart card depending on which slot you placed your Platinum card.  Then under NVB Chart Preference the is a choice of  Auto, Hotmaps, and Gold+.  I choose Gold+.  Then you can scroll through the screens to get 3D or 2D charts.

To play with the Platinum card I use NavPlanner for reviewing different lakes it works well but does not have 3D (as far as I know so far).

Title: Re: 998cSI and Navionics platinum HotMaps
Post by: Llunker on March 14, 2010, 10:55:46 PM
i am doing the same thing at home--but i have just bought a 997c SI.  I can use it and see the lakes in sim mode--but what i wanted to see was the exaggeration feature of the 3-d view.  Well i just found out from the platinum card quick start guide that this particular view is not possible on the 900 series models.

It's called the 3D Stretch and Tilt Adjust features(which i assume is the exaggeration feature of mountains and contours)---and they are only using them with the 1100 series units only....uuuggh e!!!!!

But I guess i will have to just put that under the wish list of update for the next SW update

oh and btw--there will be an update in the future for 898 and 998 for the 3-d portion of the platinum cards--they wanted to get these units out on the shelf and then use an update later to fix the issue--sorry about not answering your question...but that came straight from the horses mouth
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