Humminbird Side Imaging Forums

Side Imaging Forums => 997c SI, 998c SI & 999ci HD SI => Topic started by: netman on January 17, 2010, 08:59:19 PM

Title: Recording howto
Post by: netman on January 17, 2010, 08:59:19 PM
Well today I ran my nets and finished the day by cruising around checking out the new software and loving the new colors. I had the sd card in the unit and wanted to do some snapshots and videoing. I am clueless as to how to do this. I had my manual with me and could not find how to do this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: RGecy on January 17, 2010, 09:07:02 PM

Check this post.  It should tell you everything you need to know.  You made need to enable the Recording/Snapshot view. (

Let us know if that helps.

Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: George on January 17, 2010, 10:12:59 PM

I had an issue with recording, finally I fiqured out that you have to be in the screen which shows recording then hit the menu button, it will allow you to record.  So far the gray record screen is the only way I have found to start recording also when you do it automatically make a waypoint which I have to go back an delete.

Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: netman on January 19, 2010, 05:53:59 PM
When I was on the river today it was so foggy you could not see much further than the front of the boat. I found my nets by following the gps trail on my unit. When I got back to the ramp I messed with the recording and could not figure it out. I found the gray screen and see where I have 4.7gbs of space on the card. I guess the .3 is the space used up by the new upgrade.
I did see somewhere[on the menu] where the recording/snapshot was on. I need some dummy help if anyone can make sense of what I need please feel free to throw me a bone.
Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: George on January 19, 2010, 07:51:54 PM

When you are in the gray screen (Recording and Playback menu) it has a picture something like to recording reels (do not know how to decribe it).  When this screen is showing press the menu button.  At the top it should say start recording, when this is highlighted press the right arrow key. 

It should start recording, then press exit and go back to the screen you want to view.

In your manual it should be under "Snapshot and Recording View"  Then when you want to stop recording press the menu button and highlight stop recording, press the right arrow key and press exit.

I have to tell you this is a pain, HB should have made this easier, it is inconvenient to have to scroll through the views until you can record, it should be on a menu dropdown.  You will have to play with it.  Also you may want to page through your manual to find the Recording page.

Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: netman on January 19, 2010, 09:24:47 PM
George, Thank you. I may be able to get this done now. I will be on the water tomorrow and will see about getting some video. I looked at my manual and did not see it. I know I most likely over looked it. I got the manual in my patrol car right now and gonna read up later in the night when things slow down. The fog is moving in and it is really dense. Should help with the reading time.
Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: George on January 20, 2010, 03:48:39 PM

Sometimes, I set up my system in the boat (in the yard) and turn it on and spend time going through the menus with book in hand, unless the GPS and the Transducer is connected you do not get the full menus.  Also, make sure your unit is set up in the advanced mode.

As you get more time on the water it gets easier, but we will all continue to learn from each other.


Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: netman on January 20, 2010, 07:29:29 PM
George I finally got some video made today. I have some really good footage of fish and structure. Now how do I get this info for all to see?
Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: George on January 20, 2010, 10:06:21 PM
Randy that Great!

Have you downloaded the recordings to review it on your computer? 

Humviewer is the best way to go, you can get it from this site.

Take some time to sit down and look at your stuff on a computer, you will be surprised on what you did not see while on the water.

Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: Jolly Roger on January 21, 2010, 03:42:43 AM
Excellent Randy!
George's right: Get Hummviewer downloaded and you'll go nuts when you watch the recordings on a bigger screen. It's really interesting to see things that you missed on the boat.
But be warned: You will spend a lot of time in front of the computer because of this, hehe.

Download the recordings into a new folder on your computer. I named mine "HummVee files" and has subfolders of the different wrecks / locations. All the recording files from the SD card have to go in there.

You can watch the recordings in Hummviewer by simple clicking on "file" in the upper left corner of your screen. In the dropdown menu choose "open", than a pop up menu like an Explorer opens and you just go through there to the location of your "HummVee" folder.
In your "HummVee" you should see folders ("Rxxxxx") and Icons ("Rxxxx"). Just doubleclick on the ICON (not the folders).

After that you start the recording in Humviewer by checking the "Play" check box in the upper right corner. If you want to make a snapshot, just stop the recording ("Play" check box upper right corner) and go on "File" (upper left).
In the dropdown menu choose "Save snapshot" and choose a location where you want to have it saved. I created a new folder in the HummVee folder for the snapshots. Easy like that. Now you can post the snapshots here in the forum.

Just play around with HummViewer and try out the different views, settings and colours. But again: You might be sitting more in front of your screen then you ever thought of, hehe.

Good luck and let them snapshots coming!

Regards / Harry
Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: sonar2000 on January 21, 2010, 08:35:21 AM
Harry, you are so right on.  Unless we have a target of unquestionable ID we spend a lot of time reviewing the "recordings".  The viewer lets you see in greater detail and in slow motion to full stop mode. You will be amazed at what you missed in real time. Measurements......I cant say enough about establishing a location of a target except in the viewer. Robert has provided a tool that Humminbird missed. It is worth the time to learn the viewer and all of its valuable displays.  It ia a lot easier to sit before a computer with a cup of coffee (tea) to look at scans. Especially if the weather is not nice and sunny. This forum adds support in photo files and comments. I am a firm beliver that if the target is there the HB and the viewer will find it.  There is some learning curve but it comes fairly rapidly if you use both of them. 
Title: Re: Recording howto
Post by: Jolly Roger on January 21, 2010, 09:59:12 AM
Robert has provided the forum and the HBSI sonar file converter.
It would be unfair to MARTIN to say Robert came up with the Hummviewer.

But anyway, no offense meant and both Bob and Martin are "DA MEN".

Again Randy: Be warned! Having HummViewer makes you ending up like me. Ashing into the coffee cup and sipping coffee from the ashtray at 03:00 a.m. Getting kicked out of bed from your wife 'cause you haven't heard the alarm clock in the morning. And these are just the starting symptoms  ;D

Take care

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