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HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« on: May 13, 2009, 01:13:56 PM »
First a short presentation of myself as I first became a member a few days ago and this is my first post here.

My name is Martin and I live in Denmark. I have had a Humminbird 997 of almost a year, but have not used the recording option that much. It have been annoying me quite a lot that there is no viewer to view the recordings - at least not without converting them first, and I have not found any viewers that can show both the 'down' sonar recording together with the SI recording.

As I currently is sentenced to stay in bed most of the time because of some back problems, I decided to write my own viewer....

The program file have become too big to be attached to a post, but a link to the newest version of the installation file can be found here: HumViewer software link

Best regards
« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 04:19:08 PM by mrj9600 »

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 04:56:26 PM »
Hej Martin

Er der nogen chance for at det også vil kunne bruges til  Snapshot  ?



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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2009, 05:23:33 PM »
Hej Gert
Hvordan bruges til snapshot ?
Tænker du på at loade en .png og så få info om dybde, ændre farver osv ?


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HumViewer - Screenshot
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2009, 02:06:35 AM »
I have attached a screenshot of the program.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2009, 06:16:27 AM »
Great job! In my 797CX2 seems to work on data recorded with firmware 4.180 and 4.510 and not with the 3.940.

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2009, 06:24:04 AM »
Hi Mirb
Can you send me a data recording done with firmware 3.940. I am pretty sure that I can get the program to work with that version as well. I will send you a pm with my email address.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2009, 12:52:56 PM »

Great work! You have put some great features into it and look forward to seeing more.

Good Luck and let me know if I can help with anything.

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2009, 05:09:46 PM »
Hi Robert
Thanks for the reply. I have a lot of idea to new functionalities I want to put into the program, but right now I want to concentrate on getting the features I have already made stable and correct.

My two main issues that I could use some help on is the following;
- The latitude/longitude in the recordings are if I understand it correctly in Mercator meters. I have found various conversion formulas, but I dont seem to be able to get exactly the same result as the HB shows. Do you (or anyone else) know the correct formula to do the conversion ?

- It seems like there is ~50 pixels in the recordings per meter (depth), but is that always true or is there a way to calculate the pixel/depth ratio ?

I hope there is someone that can help me with these questions.

Thanks in advance

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2009, 08:12:12 PM »
Great Work Martin,

I am curious as to what programming language you are using?  I did a lot of programming many years ago an I am out of date on how one goes about developing programs in today's world..  My programming was limited to Colbol, Basic, etc, plus Hexadecimal and Binary, I have not done anything for 20 years.  Side Imaging has caught my imagination and I would like to try some programming again. 

Also, Robert what program are you using to write YellowFin?

« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 08:14:35 PM by George »

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2009, 03:36:33 AM »
Hi George
I would say that modern progamming languages compared to Colbol and Basic is like the difference between using a Humminbird sonar compared to using a cord with a stone to find the depth of the water :)
I am using Java as programming language. I love to program in Java compared to e.g C++, and all compilers and GUI development tools are freely available. Many programmers would probably use C#/.NET but I have no experience with those languages.

With regards to my question posted yesterday concerning the conversion of latitude/longitude, late last night I figured out what the problem was. In the conversion formula I had not ensured that all number used was double, so I most have got a mathmatical rounding error in some of the calculations. After fixing that, I get the calculation precise within a few meters compare to what I can see that son2xtf calculates. That is close enogh for me :)

So now I only need help on the pixel to depth ratio....

Meanwhile I will go ahead an generate a bigrecording file (~1Gb) and test the program with that.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2009, 09:13:54 AM »
Thanks Martin,

You are right I am outdated, when I started in 1967, it was called Electronic Data Processing, programming used a teletype machine and punch cards to communicate with the computer which took up a whole room.  I did a lot of database, and statistical programming (no graphics).  My first personal computer was a Radio Shack Model III with 4 k of memory (also TI programmable calculators).   

The HB Side Imaging has so much information and there are only a few programs for viewing the information.  Actually the only ones I know of is your new program which is exciting and Roberts Yellow-Fin viewer for SI which is great.  Yellow-Fin got me spend a lot of time reviewing my recordings because there is so much information that we miss when we are on the lake.  His program allow us to speed up, slow down and stop the screens for viewing, not to mention that the computer screen is larger for better viewing. 

As you know we always want more, I would like to see a program which has all of the capabilities to mimic my 1197C.  Between these forums and the programming you guys are doing there is not much more that we could want, not to forget the SI units.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2009, 04:03:28 PM »
As for a program that will mimic the humminbird, it will most likely only be done by Humminbird.  The problem is not the recorded data, but the post processing or filtering that is done by the system.  I think we could come close, but never get it spot on.  I just had this conversation yesterday, and the issue is that the filters they use will never be released to the public. 

Martin has done a great job at putting together a nice viewer.  I think it has alot of potential!

I know that Humminbird will probably release a full SI Viewer with Humminbird PC one day! Hopefully!

« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 12:53:57 PM by RGecy »
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HumViewer - New release 1.002
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2009, 03:26:21 PM »
I have just released a new version of the HumViewer program. I can be downloaded from here:

The new version (1.002, Dated 21/05-2009) have the following:
Version 1.001 (Release date 21/05-2009)
- Can now handle any size of recording.
- Calculation of Latitude/Longitude is now correct.
- Load new files faster and images are updated faster.
- Waypoints can be created by right-clicking on a sonar image.
- Waypoints and track can be viewed in Google Earth.
- Waypoints and track can be exported to .kml or .gpx format.
- Recordings done with older firmware (e.g. 3.940) can be viewed.
- Added a Color Model editor so user can make custom color models
- Viewer can 'play' recordings.
- Sonar images can be cropped.

I hope you will like it !

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2009, 04:02:41 AM »
Hi, Martin!
Good work !!
After saving track in .gpx format, program DrDeph does not distinguish depth from a file.
How it to treat?   :)

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Re: HumViewer - Depth in .gpx file
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2009, 06:31:59 AM »
Hi Chiboo
I have checked the program and the depth information should be in the .gpx file. However it seems like the depth information in the .gpx file must be specified in centimeters (the info in the recording file is in 1/10m).
I have fixed this, and the fix will be included in the next version.

As I dont have the Dr.Depth program myself I cannot test it, but can you confirm that Dr. Depth do read the depth from the .gpx file but the depth is off by a factor 10 (i.e 15 meters is read as 1.5 meters by Dr.Depth).


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2009, 01:03:00 PM »
? How does the 'crop' feature work?
Tommy in Lowcountry S.C.

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2009, 01:13:34 PM »
You set a 'from depth' and a 'to depth' in the two number drop-downs, select the crop check-box and press apply, then the sonar image will only show the part of the image that is within that depth range.
If you uncheck the crop check-box and press apply the whole image is shown again.

Hope that answers your question.

Just as a note. I have today remove the crop check-box and the apply button, so from the next release you only need to set the 'from depth' and/or the 'to depth' to get the image cropped.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2009, 03:37:39 AM »
Hi Martin!
You can logon to to  get more info about DrDepth and convertion data to .gpx...

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2009, 04:16:47 AM »
Chiboo: Can you point me to which thread in that forum that contains the information about the .gpx format ?

I have tested the .gpx by loading it into the Humminbird PC and it looks ok there, so it must be valid. I have also checked the documentation for DrDepth and it should also be valid there.

BUT I have decided to add the option to save the track as .csv file. This format can for sure be imported into DrDepth.

« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 04:18:50 AM by mrj9600 »

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2009, 05:17:44 AM »
Again greetings Martin!
On the forum, has paid attention that already there was a problem with data acquisition of depth from.gpx a file generated HBPC. On a site of the developer there was new version DrDepth 3.6. Probably in this version the problem is solved. I yet did not try this version. May be anyone tested that ?
Your thought to export the data in .csv  format is very good, since except DrDepth exist still different software. For example MapInfo with plugin VerticalMapper is able to work with tables and to build 2D and 3D cards, including isolines.

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2009, 01:43:49 PM »
Hey Martin

I have the DrDepth  3.6 full version.

I used DrDepth with my old Lowrance LMS480.

I have now fixed a rs232 cable from the Humminbird 987 pigtaile.

I have tested it in the harbour and it seems to work allright.Nvh


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2009, 02:19:10 PM »
Hi Gert
When you connect via the serial (rs232) you get the position and depth directly via the NMEA protocol.
The question is if you save a recording track as a .gpx file and load that in DrDepth, do you then get any depth information ?

But wait with that test until I have released next version. The depth info currently saved in the .gpx is a factor 10 too low.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2009, 09:21:02 AM »

Humviewer is great, I have spent hours going back over my recording (appx. 15 GB).  I am saving all of my recording on a separate drive for future review.  

I continue to find different ways to use the program, such as I found that you can toggle the play button stopping the recording when you see something then toggle the Left, Right or the both button to view that area.  Toggling Play to start and stop the recording is a great benefit.  

I was hoping that HB would come out with a computer program which would emulate the unit with the ability to speed it up.  Your program goes a long way in bridging the gap.  I use both Humviewer and YellowFin both they both are great programs.

I think you have all of us looking forward to your next updates.  Also, I would like to see others share their finding that might help us better use this program.  

Thank You for all of your work.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 06:02:39 PM by George »

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*** New release of HumViewer - Release 2.021 ***
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2009, 09:16:02 AM »
Hi all
First I want to thank all those of you that have commented my program so nicely. It is great to know that my work is appreciated.
The new release have some extra (nice) features, so please take the time to upgrade. Notice that I have moved files around, so the structure of the project is better. The easiest way to upgrade is simply to delete the old release and download the new one.

IMPORTANT ! If you have created your own color models, then please export them before upgrading. The color models
can be imported after the upgrade.

To install the new release, just run the HumViewer install file.  It will install the program to a directory of your choice.
After installation is completed then execute the runHumViewer.cmd file that will be placed in the install directory.

Change log:
Version 2.021 (Release date 30/05-2009)
Note a few things have been changed in the way they worked compared in earlier releases.
The most importation changed functionality is probably that the create waypoint function is moved from
mouse right-click pop-up menu to the 'Utilities' view (Press the Utilities button in the upper right corner
and select 'Create waypoints').

IMPORTANT ! You must extract all files from .zip file to make this release work - Preserve the directories structure in the zip file

Full change log:
- Color Model Editor bugfixes and improvements.
- Now all channels are loaded, if e.g. there is two 2D channels recording then both are loaded. File name to type
  is configured in HumViewer.xml
- Time field changed to spinners so it is faster to go to a specific time in a recording
- Jump to waypoint from waypoint dialog
- Apply button in image panel removed. Now setting are applied immediately
- Crop checkbox in image panel removed. Instead max depth is included in list of 'crop to depths'.
- When loading a .dat for a snapshot, the position that the snapshot was taken is now shown in the dialog.
- Split pane can now be moved to the sides to let one side be larger than the other.
- Added possibility to have sonar images top/bottom or 3-windows view.
- BugFix: When exporting data to .gpx file, the depth was off by a factor 10.
- Bugfix: Depth change finder utility did not use correct range calculation.
- Added option to save track as .csv file for importing data into e.g. Dr.Depth.
- Created measurement tool to measure distance. Is found under 'Utilities' view.
- Created measurement tool to estimate height Is found under 'Utilities' view.
- Created waypoint is moved from mouse right-click pop-up menu to 'Utilities' view.
- Bugfix: When cropping image from 5, 15, 25 meter the unit stated 4, 14, 24.
- 'Depth change' finder is moved from control panel to 'Utilities' view
- Create new recording as part of original recording
- Print snapshot of recording
- Save snapshot of recording
- Make 'movie' from recording
- Make track plot map

« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 11:24:31 AM by mrj9600 »

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2009, 12:25:28 PM »
I have just been aware of the fact that the program requires the screen resolution to be at least 1280x1024 to show the control bar correctly. So if you are running a lower resolution than that, then do not upgrade to version 2.021.

I will make a bug fix so it can run with resolution down to 1024x768 as fast as possible and release a new version.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2009, 03:36:21 PM »
Greetings, Martin!
Thanks for work!! Yes, the problem with screen resolution is present. All thought how to see records on the laptop from which I write. Once again thanks for work.

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*** New release of HumViewer - Release 2.022 ***
« Reply #26 on: May 30, 2009, 04:24:55 PM »
Here is the new release that should fix the problem with screen resolution less than 1280x1024.

Here is a link to the installation file: HumViewer install

Version 2.022 (Release date 30/05-2009)
- Bugfix so program can be used with screen resolution down to 1024x768. The radio buttons for selecting
  layout is replaced with a drop-down box. The scrollbar for moving back and forward in the recording is
  made smaller is screen resolution is lower.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2009, 04:57:14 PM »
Great work, Martin. ¿Is posible make a similar programa for mosaicing SI images??

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2009, 03:28:56 AM »
Great work, Martin. ¿Is posible make a similar programa for mosaicing SI images??

I have thought about it, but I believe it would require some very heavy image processing to mosaic SI images. Is there any programs out there that can mosaic SI images ?


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2009, 03:35:53 AM »
It is necessary to cross SonarWiz.Map with navigation, Piscatus 3d and DrDepth in a single whole with possibility to work in the fly and to receive that so long all people wait and discuss. As, most likely, any fishfinders cannot really do it in real time it is necessary to hope that Humminbird will make technical possibility to receive sonar data on the computer.

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #30 on: May 31, 2009, 03:40:08 AM »
Martin, give me your e-mail in PM...

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #31 on: May 31, 2009, 04:58:57 AM »
Martin, check e-mail.
Best wishes.

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Re: HumViewer - Mosaicing SI recordings
« Reply #32 on: May 31, 2009, 05:29:40 AM »
I downloaded a few examples of the SonarWiz mosaicing result, and got an idea how it maybe could be done. The first problem is that I dont have any HB recordings that are suitable for trying to mosaic from.

Is there anyone that have one or more recording from a limited area that you are willing to share with me. If so please let me know.

The other problem is that I current dont have a ftp server they can be uploaded to, so does anyone have a ftp server that can be use ?


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2009, 06:45:27 AM »
Hi Martin,

Great update! I love it.

Only problem seems to be still the exporting of the tracks:

When I export it in .gpx the track looks great in e.g. Drdepth, but shows incorrect depths, is it possible for you to save a track in drdepth .gpx format (1/10) in the menu?

When I resort to .csv export, the track is not correct. It seems that I have a lot of lat and long that are the same even for different depths...Loading in drdepth shows a very short tracklength, with thousands of points that are all the same.



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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #34 on: May 31, 2009, 07:54:32 AM »
About mosaicing SI image you can download a demo of 2 programs at:

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*** New release of HumViewer - Release 2.023 ***
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2009, 09:06:29 AM »
Only problem seems to be still the exporting of the tracks:
When I export it in .gpx the track looks great in e.g. Drdepth, but shows incorrect depths, is it possible for you to save a track in drdepth .gpx format (1/10) in the menu?
When I resort to .csv export, the track is not correct. It seems that I have a lot of lat and long that are the same even for different depths...Loading in drdepth shows a very short tracklength, with thousands of points that are all the same.

Hi Reso
You are right that the .csv export was not correct. I have corrected is in this release: HumViewer install

Version 2.023 (Release date 31/05-2009)
- Bugfix: Export of track data to .csv was not correct.

Regarding the .gpx, then I dont know how to fix it. I have tested .gpx in Humminbird PC and it looks correct there. If someone can tell me exactly what needs to be changed so the .gpx can be loaded in DrDepth then I will be happy to change it.
But else I will recommend that you use the .csv export to be loaded in DrDepth, that should work now in version 2.023.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2009, 10:33:48 AM »
Hi Martin!
While a mosaicing the important factor with what resolution of sm per pixel will rendering data for the further binding to place.

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #37 on: May 31, 2009, 01:08:54 PM »
Hi Martin,

Great work, the new version works like a dream now with the .csv files. Finally I can try to make a big map of all my past recordings.



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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #38 on: May 31, 2009, 06:10:43 PM »
I think I have some ideas for transforme HumViewer in HumMosaic but my english is so bad that is imposible for me to express.
Somebody read spanish in this forum??

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #39 on: May 31, 2009, 06:26:15 PM »
The basis of sidescan sonar mosaicing is to automatically plot each ‘pixel’ of sonar data, on a display,
with respect to the track of the sidescan sonar tow-fish. The track is very rarely the straight line that it
appears to be in a typical waterfall display. This process effectively geo-references each pixel of sonar
data so that it is correctly positioned within an appropriate coordinate system. In other words the sonar
data are displayed on a screen or printout in their correct geographical location with respect to the track
of the tow-fish or tranducer. Coordinates must be metrics (Mercator or UTM).

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #41 on: June 01, 2009, 05:31:30 PM »
Martin, when creating waypoints, the field "name" is showing blank and is necesary introduce a name otherwise wpt is not create. ¿Is posible HumViewer present a consecutive number in this field??

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #42 on: June 02, 2009, 04:08:49 AM »
Martin, when creating waypoints, the field "name" is showing blank and is necesary introduce a name otherwise wpt is not create. ¿Is posible HumViewer present a consecutive number in this field??

It is quite easy to implement what you request, but what can a waypoint with just a number be used for. Is it not better to assign a descriptive name for each waypoint ?
If I make your request, would it be okay if the waypoints are named e.g. '#2' or do you (and others) prefer just the number.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #43 on: June 02, 2009, 04:22:37 AM »
The basis of sidescan sonar mosaicing is to automatically plot each ‘pixel’ of sonar data, on a display,
with respect to the track of the sidescan sonar tow-fish. The track is very rarely the straight line that it
appears to be in a typical waterfall display. This process effectively geo-references each pixel of sonar
data so that it is correctly positioned within an appropriate coordinate system. In other words the sonar
data are displayed on a screen or printout in their correct geographical location with respect to the track
of the tow-fish or tranducer. Coordinates must be metrics (Mercator or UTM).

Thanks for the links to the documents.
I can tell you from my initial attempts to make the mosaic, that it is not as easy as it might sound to plot 'each pixel of sonar
data so that it is correctly positioned within an appropriate coordinate system'.
I have few ideas left to try, but I cannot promise that I will ever get a working program out of it.

I have got one good recording from one of your guys, but it would be great if I could get a few more. It is necessary to have more than one recording for testing, else I risk making something that will only work for the recording that I based to program on.


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #44 on: June 02, 2009, 08:42:14 AM »
Hi Martan

On Wpts I would prefer just a number or a letter.  HB does not allow us to hide the titles and when zooming in on a wpt the name hides part of the map.  My Lowrance allows me to hide the name and has a small dot in their wpt system.  Sure wish HB would fix this.

Also, what is the purpose of sonar mosaic that folks are asking for????


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #45 on: June 02, 2009, 10:23:38 AM »
With the intrest that Humviewer is generating, Why doesn't it have it's own listing instead of being listed under "Other". This is turning out to be a great program that most of us have been looking for.
I am thankfull for the work that has go in to this Forum and Humviewer. Thanks again Carl.

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #46 on: June 02, 2009, 02:04:38 PM »
With the intrest that Humviewer is generating, Why doesn't it have it's own listing instead of being listed under "Other". This is turning out to be a great program that most of us have been looking for.
I am thankfull for the work that has go in to this Forum and Humviewer. Thanks again Carl.

Carl, Welcome to the forum!  Ask and ye shall recieve!  Now, this is your first post, I expect to see some more!

Martin, Keep up the good work.  The program is looking great.

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2009, 08:19:30 PM »
It is quite easy to implement what you request, but what can a waypoint with just a number be used for. Is it not better to assign a descriptive name for each waypoint ?
If I make your request, would it be okay if the waypoints are named e.g. '#2' or do you (and others) prefer just the number.


Martin, I use mi Humminbird SI for mapping bottom and your program is very usufull for this task. If every time that I click for creating a wpt field name will be fill, it will save me time in drawing a rock contour. Another solution will be to create user track. Perhas the best solution. I hope you can  understand my bad english. Sorry.......

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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #48 on: June 03, 2009, 07:42:13 AM »
Martin, I use mi Humminbird SI for mapping bottom and your program is very usufull for this task. If every time that I click for creating a wpt field name will be fill, it will save me time in drawing a rock contour. Another solution will be to create user track. Perhas the best solution. I hope you can  understand my bad english. Sorry.......

Hi Fran
I dont quite understand how you draw a rock contour from the recording. Can you explain a little more about how you do it.

And a question to all: Currently waypoints are created on the point of the recording (i.e. where that boat was). Would it be better that when a waypoint is created from a SI, then the waypoint is created where the mouse is pointing. E.g. if you locate an object is identified 40 meters to starboard, then creating the waypoint by clicking with the mouse on the object would place that waypoint right on top of the object ?


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Re: HumViewer - Viewer of humminbird files
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2009, 08:44:56 AM »
Hi Martin!
You still need SI track also ?


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