Author Topic: Help!! New Boat has arrived I have big ideas and not sure how to do it.  (Read 7674 times)

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Offline a_t_russell

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Hello everyone,

My 2014 Lund Tyee 1900 has just showed up at the dealership and I'm trying to figure out what I am going to do for electronics. Please  correct me if I am wrong about any of these ideas. But I want to put finders at the bow and the console and network them together with the I pilot Link, also want to be capable of networking the 360 imaging in the near future. I am thinking about going with either a 999ci HD SI/ or 1199ci HD SI on the bow with the transducer on the bottom of the trolling motor so I can have down imaging up front and will be able to display 360 imagining @ the bow as well. For the Console I will be looking at running a 999ci HD SI. As far as networking goes from what I have read I should be able to network the I pilot Link, 360 imaging and the two finders together using the 5-port Ethernet switch correct?

On the other end of the boat I am wanting to install cannon downriggers, some time ago I purchased a cannon link module so I can link the downriggers to the finder at the console but as I have just found out I will have to run a 2013 model finder probably a 998c HD SI to be compatible with the cannonlink. So I am wondering if I should shell out the extra money and scrap the cannonlink and just go with Digitroll 10 downriggers and put another transducer on the back of the boat, and what is the probability of fighting interference between the two transducers? And is the tracking and controlling capabilities of the cannonlink on the display of the finder at the consol worth loosing?

Also are there any disadvantages of the 998 over the 999 finder and will there be any constraints with networking the two over a pair of 999's or a 999 and a 1199? Also will the 998 be able to share the internal gps off the finder on the bow?

If anyone can weigh in on this it would be greatly appreciated as I am hoping to get out fishing in a couple weeks and the sooner I can get this figured out and all the necessary parts, cables, etc. ordered the sooner I am in the water.

Thanks, all you knowledgeable forum members and I look forward to hearing from you very soon.


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Sounds like you will have quite a setup when you get finished.

I don't know anything about the down-rigger interface, so can't offer any ideas about them.

If it were me, I would be getting the 99 series, not the 98 series.  I have become convinced that a good deal on a closeout model is not a good deal.  You will be best to get an external GPS for the unit at the console and mount it close to the transducer on the transom.......go all the way and get the heading sensor GPS.

Are you getting the transom 360?   You should be good with the 5 port Ethernet switch to network them all together.
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Offline a_t_russell

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Yes, its looking that way I would like if I could make the 360 work on my terrova and have it at the bow but looks like its going at the transom.

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I have a Terrova also, and would like to have the bow 360.....Haven't been able to figure a mount that I am happy with, but It's going to be a while yet before I get one.....Oh, and you do get the HS GPS with the 360.
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Offline a_t_russell

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Good to know that comes with the 360, thanks. I was looking around on the internet for someone that has found a clean way to mount a 360 on the terrova with no luck. Once I get the boat home hopefully I get some ideas on how to fab something up that is practical and clean in appearance, with any luck any how.

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You seem to be in an awfully big hurry.
I'd slow down and get one thing at a time, and learn how
to use it properly.
With just getting one sonar, there's going to be a learning curve, and
it's going to take time on the water to get the best out of it.
It might take you several weeks, just to get the transom transducer mounted
in the sweet spot for the very best performance.

Get the biggest screen you can afford.
It will allow easier viewing and you won't have any buyer's remorse.
If possible, go with the 1199.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 08:17:06 AM by ITGEEK »

Offline a_t_russell

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Thanks for everyone's input so far it's greatly appreciated. Can anyone also give me any information on transducer interface and how to avoid it if I was to put two transducers on the stern, one for the finder and one for the downrigger for the bottom tracking feature?

Thanks again,

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Yes, you will need a 5-Port Ethernet Switch to connect all of that together.  I would go with the newer AS-ETH-5PXG model (not the older AS-ETH-5PS model).

The 999ci HD Si/199ci HD Si unit at the bow will work but you may want to consider a dedicated DI model at the bow instead (959ci HD DI/1159ci HD DI) if all you want is the DI sonar and not Si sonar.  You will still be able to display the 360 sonar or the HDSi sonar from the console mounted 999ci HD Si unit’s transducer through the Ethernet connection.

Unless you go with the DI unit at the bow, there are no differences in going with the 998c HD Si model over the 999ci HD Si model.  Right now, the 998c HD Si model cannot share the DI sonar from a DI model unit, but when the 998c HD Si model receives the 6.900/6.940 software update this difference will go away.

When a unit is connected to the Ethernet network, it can share its internal or external GPS Receiver with other units on the network.

Surprisingly, I have yet to see an adapter that would allow the 360 Imaging to be installed on a Terrova or other auto-steer trolling motor.

ITG is right, this is a lot of new stuff to jump on all at once…

The bests way to avoid transducer interference (sonar cross-talk, sonar-to-sonar interference) is to run only one sonar at a time, run sonar units at different frequencies or use networked sonar. Sonar cross-talk is not a guaranteed thing as there are too many variables that are out of your control that will make it more or less likely to happen.  Anytime you have two sonar units transmitting and receiving at the same frequency on the same boat there is the possibility of having sonar-cross talk.  Which units/sonar frequencies did you have in mind specifically?
Greg Walters at Humminbird

Offline a_t_russell

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The frequency of the cannon traducer is 120Khz

Offline Humminbird_Greg

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That 120kHz transducer will not interfere with any from the units you have mention as they all use different frequencies.
Greg Walters at Humminbird

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