After seeing the Comparioson Chart in the Topic here couldnīt imagine that there is realy such a big difference between the High Accuracy and the internal GR50.
But after the First Testrip with the AS-GR-HA, i would never work without it.
I found nothing bad, only positive features,... stop one thing was alittle bit negative, the Price
But this happens in mostly all of the good Quality Products.
+ Faster Time to get the First Position Fix
Much more Sensitiv
+ Position more accuratly (no hoppings and mostly 1m Estimated Position Error)
+ also no hopping in the GPS Speed of the Boat, showing 0,0 km/h when the Boat stands still
+ Possibility to mount the Receiver directly over your Sounder so you can place the Headunit whereever you want.
- The Price (you get what you pay for (Good Products = good Price
All this happend under good GPS Conditions, got 12 Staellites very good surrounded, allways a Enhanced Fix, very low HDPOS,
so the Results could be diffrent under your Location.
Read more about the different Receivers GR16, GR50 and GRHA here am satisfied with the GRHA