Side Imaging Forums > Solix

Correct Splitter cable

Just purchased a Solix 12 Chirp Mega MSI Mega Di and a Mega 360 (both used). The Mega 360 came without the Y splitter cable. Can you advise as to what the proper Y splitter cable is? The one I was originally told is the proper one is the
Mega 360 14M 2DDIY-Mega 360 & 2D/MDIY cable. Before I purchase this, is it the CORRECT one?

Yes that’s correct  ... the 14 M360 2DDI Y cable allows connecting the MEGA 360 and the original SOLIX transducer to the SOLIX head unit  ...

Note: with MEGA 360 the SI will always come from the MEGA 360 (rotation stops and parks the piezoes left and right for SI)  ... and 2d and MDI will come from the SOLIX transducer  ...



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