I can no longer view my waypoints or recordings on my unit via SD card.
I have read thru this site, used 15yrs PC experience and even called HB but alas I’m a broken man and need some fresh eyes.
I have 3 recordings loaded into Humviewer and successfully marked 23 waypoints.
All waypoints were exported from HV into a GPX file and then imported into HumminbirdPC. They are all clearly visible in HBPC under the PC icon.
I then used the green arrow in HBPC to upload the waypoints from there to the SD card.
To get the recording onto the SD card I open it via Windows folder and drop/drag the .DAT files.
I boot my unit in Normal mode but nothing is visible. My Recording View says “No Images Found”.
My unsuccessful attempts to fix the issues are as follows:
1- Reformatted my SD card. Once as a Quick Format in Windows.
After reading a post I unchecked the Quick Format box and reformatted directly in HBPC.
2-Delete all GPX files in HBPC to start fresh. Re-export all waypoints from HV. Import again to HBPC and then upload to SD card.
3-Boot in Simulation mode. Still “No Images Found”.
4-Make sure SD card is unlocked.
5-Open the SD card via Windows. Verify my Matrix folder is present. Had 3 .ht files and a DATA.HWR file.
6- I click on the SD card icon in HBPC and click on the blue “Display Navigation Data” button it shows 19 waypoints.
7- I added the recording folders with .IDX and .SON files to the SD card to see if the unit would recognize them. No luck (Is it correct to say: HV used .DAT files to view; HBPC used .IDX and .SON to view recordings on unit?)
More info:
Software 6.460. Its is the software that came with the unit and nothing has been changed. I previously was able to see view all 3 recordings on the unit and 8 waypoints. I have no idea how I lost them all. That is when I decided to officially Format the SD card thru HBPC.
The 23 waypoints are all visible in Google Earth via HV.
I have the unit hooked up in my house on a 12V battery.
I do not want to keep waypoints on my unit so I’ve deleted them. I would like to keep them organized in HBPC and my SD card only.
When I go to my Waypoints, Routes, Tracks menu on the unit I can see 1 GPS track and the 4 waypoints that correspond. I read its safe to plug in my transducer while not in the water. If I plug it in will it give me a GPS location by which I could GoTo 1 of the 4 waypoints? That would be a start.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
EDIT: I tried this via HB Gregs post and I can now see ALL waypoints!
"Try powering your unit on before you install the SD card and see if you get a message to load the waypoint data."
2nd EDIT:
Got the videos too! Thanks to post from sonar2000 Chuck. I needed to drag the whole "Record" folder onto the SD card b/c it contains multiple files:
"1) profile
If you look at the RECORD there will be 2 files. Or more is you have multiple recordings.
File 1 is some thing like R000023.dat The other file is a record R00023.
If you look at the record file (R00023) it will contain 6 files. B001.idx and B001.son thru B003.idx and B003.son"
Oh Humminbird, 5 hours later for a few simple tasks. Steve Jobs would roll over in his grave.