Hi Guys,
987C with downimaging update software
I have been tearing my hair out last few days and going round in circles.
When I export all nav data to SD card as I have done before, I am converting the data using GPSbabel into both comma sep values for excel or text view and to Google earth KMZ file. A lot of my wpts are not being put on sd card.
I think they are ALL the wpts I have created since the software update. To check the card is being updated I have deleted / created snapshots / recordings which i can see on the SD card at home. I have tried a blank sd card and overwriting a card with existing data.hwr file on it.
All and any ideas why my later wpts are not being exported to SD greatly appreciated. Probably have about 800 wpts but this should not matter as the size of the file is small.
Look forward to your responses.