Side Imaging Forums > 598c SI HD
Navionics+ Card Settings?
Ok, so I reverted back to v6.640 & that was easy enuff where the only real difference between upgrading & downgrading is that there's an extra warning question 2answer B4 proceeding w/a downgrade & my observations are as follows: Internal GPS works same if not just slightly better w/only a 2ft positional error, reading 0-0.1mph & the stationary icon on the view map showing a circle vs intermittency between the circle & boat icon from time2time as it would w/ v.7.300... Pls note that this could just be me paying closer attn 2the "little things" b/c today was 1 of those days where there was barely a cloud in the sky so the internal GPS could be working a tad more efficiently just due 2that alone. Unfortunately, my Status Page is still only showing Zero Hours Overall Usage Time & I fear that I've now somehow "Passed The Point of No Return" 4lack of a better Term/Phrase.
I cannot help But attribute the "2nd Reset" 2the Navionics+ Card as my analogy was juggling 3-fold: (1)Battery Voltage Fluctuations b/c my 598ciHD presently sits in a cradle running off a portable 12v7ah. (2)Screwin' around w/that futile ci->cXI method made mentioned of in previous posts. (3)Troubleshooting why my "2nd hand" Navioincs+ Card (Alaska & Canada) will show Marinas & Tidal information But No Depth Profile/Contours.
Now the 1st "Zero Hours Reset" did occur using the Navionics+ Card but that was only a few days after giving up on that whole ci-->cXi thing where the 2nd Zero Hours Reset happened a week later after my unit was showing 4-5hrs usage time & as far as my portable battery goes, it might Not be new But I can still run the unit for 3-4hours in Demo Mode B4 it cuts out & if I make certain 2B a tad anal about keeping the backlight low - more like 4-5hrs. My guess would be that when this battery was new, it could probably run the 598ciHD for 8-9hrs, depending.
Regardless, based on observation, I'm beginning 2believe that when something "Resets" in the Navionics+ Card as per updating Maps 2various regions 4the purpose of Trial & Error, that something is being reset in the 598ciHD as well, especially seeing that even now as I type this out that my unit reads Zero Hours Overall Usage Time.
Now there is a few other things I'd like 2try BUT until I can get her out on the water - I really cannot B sure & even then, that could cause a scenario that yields more questions than answers. Hopefully, the near future will shed some light on this picture although I find that doubtful w/o sending the unit out 4service & I really Do Not want 2do that 4a unit that initially came off the Humminbird production line in October, 2012 But will keep you all posted nonetheless if it seems 2help in any small way w/Ur own units.
Wish Me Luck - LoL ;)
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