Side Imaging Forums > 598c SI HD
598ciHDsi Freezes Loading Navionics Maps
Ok. So I'm thinking that perhaps itz best 2start up another thread b/c that last 1 (1st one -LoL) covered a lot of topics & 4the benefit of this community that has answered sooo many questions 4me over the past year (w/special Thanks to Mr. Rnvinc - aka Rickie), I'm thinking this particular query is best served 2begin anew.
So herez the scenario; a co-worker has 3 Navionics SDcards & asked me if I'd B interested in buying the oldest off him for $50-$60. He mentioned something about a secondary account being set 2expire in June/22 & that this Navionics+ SDcard covers Canada & Alaska which is right up my alley seeing as my unit is a 598ciHDsi that only covers the Continental US (although the manual clearly states "North America" I might add But we covered that scenario in the previous thread so why dig up an old grave anyway).
Regardless, I buy the card off him figuring the Cartography Gods owe me 1 re: the aforementioned anyway & everything seems 2go smoothly (at 1st)... I download Chart Installer 2my PC & load the card 2my SD Drive. The Card is Detected & B4 proceeding 2update, i'm able 2figure out how 2edit the existing unit(s) on file without 2much trouble seeing as a 597ciHD was the previously listed device on file which now 2day reads as a 598ciHD & in the Top-Right Corner of my Laptop Screen, it says "membership expires in June,2022" as stated previously by my co-worker.
Now herez the problem; Even though my 598ciHD has the latest software update of v7.300 & does detect the Navionics+ Card, once it begins to "Load Charts" - it just Freezes Up... 2the point where I'm forced 2do a Hard Shutdown (ie: Hold The Power Button Until it Shuts Off while in a "seemingly" Frozen State). Now i've tried this process a few times 2No avail But fear I might B doing more harm than good. Does any1 whoz experienced this problem in the past think I should revert back 2the previous Software of v6.64 But Then IF I do - what might be some of the consequences? ie: Bricking? Furthermore, is there a way to "clear the cache" so2speak 4this unit in order 2lose any unnecessary/excess baggage that might B slowing my unit down? Would a Hard-Boot actually help (ie: Continue 2hold the Power Button Down until it turns OFF & then ON Again)? Any ideas?
Thanks, Sandro.
*Export the waypoint library to an SD Card using the Waypoints Routes Tracks Menu under the Nav tab ...
*Download Humminbird PC from the HB website ...
*Once HBPC is downloaded to your PC - click Help at the top for instructions how to import the Nav data from the SD Card into HBPC ...
*Once the waypoint library is imported into HBPC - click the plus sign (+) to the left of the newly populated gpx file ... Waypoints Routes Tracks will populate under the gpx file ...
*Click on “Waypoints” to populate the waypoints into the right pane ...
*Inspect the data in the Latitude column, the Longitude column, and the Date column ...
*If any values look “oddly different” than neighboring data = that waypoint is suspect as being corrupt ...
*Corrupt waypoints cause gremlins in HB units operation ...
Next: (in the HB unit) ...
*Under the Setup tab in the Main Menu System set “User Mode” to “Advanced ...
*Then under the Setup tab find “Format Nav Directories” = this will wipe all data of Waypoints Routes Tracks ...
*Right arrow to perform “Format Nav Directories” function ...
*Then under the Setup tab find “Restore Defaults” = this will put all Menu settings back to factory settings ...
*Right arrow to perform “Restore Defaults” ...
*Test the unit operation ...
*If the unit functions correctly - follows directions in HBPC to get the newly inspected waypoints onto a formatted SD Card to import back into the HB unit ...
*If the unit functions correctly with the Nav data imported back into the HB unit - test the Navionics card again now that the Nav Directory is clean and the HB is set to factory settings ...
1. If all is well = yay!!
2. If all is not well - something got corrupted in the Navionics card procedure ...
3. Contact Navionics ...
You're a genius. HB Greg would be very proud of you.
Thank You Sir. Perhaps we should have a Sub-Forum entitled "Just Ask Rickie" - LoL ;)
Well, seeing as this is a Cartography related issue & Yes, i know i said i wouldn't dig up an old grave But i just can't help 2keep searching for an answer re: My 598ciHD being a Domestic Unit (ci) that "should cover North America" as per page 84 of the manual & yet the internal UniMap only covers the Continental US so i continue 2hope (& pray-lol) 2find a way 2let it behave moreso like an International Unit (cXi) seeing as my backyard is Southern Ontario.
Supposedly, this is impossible or at least quite costly 2do & IF one is going 2spend the money on that sort of thing, then why not simply purchase a newer/more suitable unit?
Regardless, has anyone tried the method explained in this article posted right here on our very own Forum by Mr. Ru Hum a few years back (2019) & has anyone had any success with it b/c i'm Not having any luck whatsoever & wonder if i'm behaving like a dog chasing itz own tail?
Below is the Title of the Forum Article under General Discussion w/a link 2a Hexidecimal Equivalency Chart & instructions that "supposedly" apply to H_B Units.
Converting HB devices ci -> cxi (international version)
[General Discussion]
Thanks, Sandro
Ok, so after speaking w/an independent Authorized Service Rep about this so-called method of converting a ci unit to cXi - it was explained 2me that this is a Firmware issue & subject 2the locale where one purchased the unit itself & Not So Easily resolved as per the method described via Software Plugin. So whomever says that this method works mustve been moreso looking 4the difference between using the unit in Normal Mode vs Advanced Mode or something along the lines of a mere Software Update, Resetting 2 Factory Settings, etc... In a Nutshell, the Final Answer is "No" - the method aforementioned is Not Likely 2 Work. Sandro (done chasing his tail-LoL).
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