Side Imaging Forums > Helix Series Units

Display ContourXD map with Autochart overlay


Helix 9 SI
How can I display the ContourXD map and the Autochart data (either live or saved data) at the same time?

Was wondering the same thing and as I'm new to using SI and the helix systems for that matter I am also keen to know how this can be done?

If you set the base map as ContourHD and turn on display live data in autochart, it will overlay your recordings on the base map. Apparently once you convert the data into the autochart map, it puts it in a format that is not compatible with the ContourHD format and they can not both be displayed at the same time. The ContourHD is in Navionics format and autochart uses Lakemasters format. I suspect if you had the Lakemaster base map you could then overlay the processed autochart maps...and maybe even see the autochart live data at the same time. Can anyone confirm or correct my assumptions?


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