I have Humminbird Helix 5 SI GPS sonar. In our country, man can only electric boat on the Lake Balaton be used (Hungary).
I bought one new 10 HP powerful electric outboardmotor for my boat.:-) ( Brushless, 3 faze electric motor ,48V, 5000W)
My Problem is that when the engine is started, the sonar sideimage and downimage pictures falls apart (RFI)! (There are many disturbing wave is on the screen. I tried to move the sonar head to forward, but did not improve the pictures. )
It can not be used for sideimagine or other viewing mode. :-(
What solution is there to this Problem?
Is there a usable Sonar Head, which would be wired to the electromagnetic disturbance is protected?
As anyone who wishes to be a wire? Aluminium tape?
I'm Follow the steps provided below to confirm and reduce this interference:
1. Motors may produce interference all speeds, I'm so tested at as many speeds as possible.
2. I have 2 Battery pack: 1. Main - Battery Pack 48 V, 100 Ah LithyumFePolymer ( 4 piece 12V 100Ah in series line) 2. Sonar and lighting Battery Pack: 12V , 45 Ah classic Battery. It is not connection in the two DC circuit. ! (separated)
3. NoiseFilter (ON) HELIX 5SI: no make better Image ween the motor is on.
4. I tried the sonar head in several Places on the Boat . But the Pictures is wrong.
5. I have not other sonar, and not networking, etc.
6. I do not hear the noise in my radio ...

7. The Interference is bigger in the 200 Hz and the 488Hz.

? !
I have not Idea for Solution of this Problem...

Best regards,
Barnabas Bata