I have an 1199 at my console and a 858 on my trolling motor. The 1199 was just purchased to upgrade the 998 that I had on my console. I have a smaller boat for restricted horse power lakes with a 998 in the back and a 798 at the bow. My question is can I add the 998 to the bow of my big boat through the y cables to share Ethernet and waypoints. Looking to view full page sonar and mapping on both units instead of split displays. The 1199 and the 858 are already linked with Ethernet. I have a power cable and a new transducer to add to the front That came with the 1199. I just used my eggzisting wire and plugs from the 998 that's why I have an extra set up. It might just make more sense to use the 998 on the front of the big boat with the 858 transducer and power source. I will just lose Side imaging on the 998 if I would do this. From what I've seen I need a interlink box to do this.