Author Topic: Y Cable with SI Transducer and 2d In Bilge Transducer - Confused or Problem?  (Read 20745 times)

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Offline TAKFishing

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I recently added a 998 off the side of my console. I retained the existing 788ci HD unit which was originally connected to a shoot through hull in bilge 2d transducer.

My dealer did the install and re-routed the 2d bilge ducer and the SI ducer to the Y cable and into the 998.

The plan being to get my 2d sonar on the 998 from the in bilge ducer and the SI/DI of course from the SI ducer which is mounted on the JP.

The problem I have is that in order to get 2d sonar when running, I must go to sonar menu and select dual beam as the connected transducer and the 2d on the networking menu. When I do this, once done running I must then switch the value of the connected transducer on the sonar menu back to "HD Sidescan" as well as select HD Sidescan on the networking menu in order to be able to have my DI and SI back.

From everything I read as well as talking to a Humminbird rep at a recent tourney, I should be able to select "HD Sidescan" as the connected transducer on the 998 and the same on the networking menu and get everything I want without having to manually reselect transducers. The Humminbird rep mentioned that this was exactly the purpose of the Y cable and that once physically connected the way I have it there should be no need to have to fiddle with these menus...set them to HD Sidescan as the connected transducer and you are done?????

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Is it possible that the Y cable is bad?

Another item possibly attributed to the Y cable - I fished for 3 days after my install was done and Temp was fine but then on day 4 it was off by 50+ degrees (reading 90+ By end of day in 48 degree water per my 859 bow unit.   Just checked temp again while sitting in 60 degree garage and the temp readout was saying 87. 

Going to call HB cust service but thought I would ask for thoughts here as well.  Thanks.


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With the AS-Si-DB-y cable installed there is no way to get 2D sonar from the HDSi transducer.  All of the 2D sonar comes from the bilge mounted 2D transducer.  So there should be need to change menu settings.

Which unit are you selecting the networking transducer on?  You should only have to do this once on each unit networked (unless you want to use another transducer).

If the AS-Si-DB-Y cable is bad, than one or more of the sonar beams should never work – regardless of the unit menu settings.

The temperature issue sounds more like a short or partial short as the case may be (the lower the resistance detected the higher the temperature).  The temperature sensor on the HDSi transducer may be going bad or it could be something in the AS-Si-DB-Y cable.  Try plugging the HDSi transducer straight into the 998 unit and see if the temperature reads correctly or not.
Greg Walters at Humminbird

Offline TAKFishing

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Hi Greg - Thanks.  In terms of my setup, the Y cable goes into the 998.  Then I network over to my existing 788 with ethernet cable and adapter cable plugged into 788.  Software on both units are current with latest releases (don't recall 788 version but I just updated it and on the 998 I am on 6.74)

Regarding your comment on the 2d with the Y cable, that clarifies my understanding of the 2d only coming from the 2d transducer in the bilge with the Y cable.  Essentially the 2d capability from the HD SI transducer is removed when using the Y is very confusing to me because on the networking menu under 2d there are 2 entries shown on the networking screen on the 998:

Which of these should I select for 2d on the 998?

On the 998 networking screen for Adv (DI/SI) I only see on option - HD SideScan.

Regardless of what I select on the networking menus, there is also the "connected transducer" option under the Sonar menu which on the unit defaults to HD SideScan.

Regarding the temp issue, it worked fine the first 3 days I fished with it and then on day 4 it started reading way off/high by 40-50 degrees (kept going up as day went on).  I have a 3 day trip coming up this weekend but will do as you suggest and connect the HDSI ducer direct to the 998 without the Y cable and see if that addresses the temp issue.  Pics above were before temp issue came up...

I'll continue to work through options to try to verify if I need new transducer, something with the unit is bad or the Y cable is bad.  I could just try to go back to putting the 2d transducer back directly into the 788 and throw the Y cable out of the configuration but really would like to get to the bottom of why the heck this is not working...Thanks again.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 02:52:32 PM by TAKFishing »

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Have you watched this video?
The HDSI separated 2d from SI/DI(ADV). Even without the "Y" cable. It works the same way with the "Y" cable. Your 998 needs to have both checked. The 788 needs to have either 2D selected. I am a bit confused with your statement, Does it have a transducer connected? If not you need to select the 998's 2D. Bob

Offline Humminbird_Greg

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It’s still not making sense to me… try restoring defaults in the 998 unit and don’t worry about selecting any network transducer settings in it.  With the Connected Transducer menu set to the Hi-Def setting it should work.  The only unit that you should have to worry about networking the sonar on is the 788ci HD unit.
Greg Walters at Humminbird

Offline TAKFishing

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bobcoy - thanks for your reply.  Yes, I have watched that video and I watched it extensively and did the research to understand what my future state configuration should be.  The video makes it very clear to me how I expected the Y cable to function and it's purpose for my scenario.  The 2d bilge transducer and the HDSI transducer go into the Y cable which goes into the 998.  The 788 is connected to the 998 via ethernet and NO transducers are physically wired/connected to the 788.  I can then share over the 2d to the 788 as desired or GPS between units (both have local pucks).

That being said, when I look at my 2d network source setup on the 998 (see picture), I have 2 options.  Sounds like you are saying on the 2d I should select the first option (dual beam 200/83)?  I guess that makes sense to me but on the 998 Sonar menu, the default value for the "connected transducer" menu is HD Sidescan.  Assume I should leave this value as is (?)

Thanks again for your responses and patience...sorry for all the questions, I make my living hands on working directly with technology and from my research this all seemed very straightforward...but clearly I am missing something or there is something malfunctioning or both.  I'm going to get with customer service as well and hopefully they can get me up and running.

Greg - saw your last reply.  I'll do as you suggest, restore defaults and go from there.  I won't touch anything but will see what values on the networking menu are selected on the 998.  I'll do some on water testing and go from there....I just don't understand why on 2d it is showing me 2 options...

Offline bobcoy

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I would imagine you have dual beam selected on your 788. It is not really there anymore. But the network can't tel that. Use the 2d from the 998 on both units.

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