Does anyone have any experience with the thru hull SI transducers, specifically the XPTH 9 HDSI? I have a 998c SI and my mechanic mounted the transom mount transducer a little low. I've adjusted it upwards but would need to drill new holes to get it up far enough to stop the rooster tail and to prevent it from flipping up at 35 mph+. If I'm going to put holes in my boat I'd almost rather do the thru hull. I'm assuming - please correct me if I'm wrong - I'd have better depth readings at high speed, no longer have to trim my engine up, and get rid of the rooster tail and transom mount transducer.
What has your experience been with the thru hull SI transducers? Readings at speed? Will they handle the down imaging or do I need to keep my transom mount transducer? I'm not crazy about counting on the thru hulls not to fail and thus sink the boat... are they sturdy?
I appreciate the input! Thanks.
For reference I have a 2012 SeaFox 220XT bay boat with an F150 and I fish inshore and nearshore in the Florida panhandle, not that it should matter.
After more research it appears these transducers are relatively large and not intended for planing hulls. Looks like the best option is moving the transom transducer up and maybe getting a high speed shoot thru transducer? Does this seem correct? Again, thank you.