Again a request to add your location a little more specific than the planet earth. While street address and telephone numbers are not requested it does help folks trying to find a person near them to help with unit problem determination.
Humminbird_Greg askes a lot of times to swap out a transducer or unit to assist in finding the cause of a particular issue. HB units lack good diagnostic(s) or a help process to indicate a component or unit failure. Often it is simply a blank or bad display and no other indication of an issue. As we have seen, the root problem can be a transducer, a cable or connection and sometimes the unit itself. It often can be less time consuming to find out the failing part by a local swap rather than sending in for factory repair. And at some times a cost to the user to pay shipping and repair time...
So; it would be helpful to others to know their neighbors.
We do try to control spamming so there is less impact to your location being known.