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I can suggest from my own experience to use 859 in front (transducer on trolling motor) and SI capable Helix on the helm. I suppose bass fishing setup. If you plan for other fishing technics, it all depends...

For finding good fishing spots, you will use Helix SI (go at least 9" for SI). And when you start casting from the casting deck, 859 in front will be used for mapping and vertical fishing. Sharing images from transom mount transducer is not much of a help anyway, if your boat is not moving in a straight line. (you are fishing some spot on some sort of anchor).

Or consider mixing electronic brands. Don't want to be a troll on HB forum, but if you can't fully network your existing unit with new one (thanks HB) Maybe you will be better with HB + Garmin setup. You will not lose almost anything, and you will be able to use arguably the best live technology out there in the future. Basically what I'm to try to say is don't be stuck with thinking your next unit must be HB because you already have one. That would be a mistake.
With the limited sharing between HELIX and older core number series there are a couple of options to consider  ...

If your plan is to use the core number series unit for mapping and sharing waypoints only - any generation HELIX is a good choice  ...

If your plan is to also share Sonar, you will need to move toward 2 HELIX G3N or G4N to get the optimal sharing capabilities  ...

Point 1: 859 core units will share waypoints with any networkable HB unit (older and newer)  ...

Point 2: 859 will share Sonar with limited HB units (older and newer)  ... use this link to see what will share  ...

Hello All!  I recently purchased a boat that came with a Humminbird 859CI HD DI and I'm looking for help/advice on getting another head unit to do Side Imaging that is compatible with the 859CI HD DI without breaking the bank.  Is it worth trying to find an older unit to go along with the 859CI HD DI or go a totally different direction as far as electronics?
General Discussion / Re: What materials show up best on 998ci HD or similar model
« Last post by rnvinc on July 18, 2024, 09:07:41 PM »
Hard flatter surfaces will reflect Sonar better than soft rounded surfaces  ...

Tobacco sticks, slats, pallet beds, etc  ...

Local crappie guys around my lakes use plastic pipe simply because it does not show up well on imaging  ... making it more difficult for others to find  ...

General Discussion / What materials show up best on 998ci HD or similar model
« Last post by foodeefish on July 18, 2024, 03:23:24 PM »
I  am lucky enough to live on a 200 acres lake and we are trying to improve the cover/ structure.

Over the years most fallen trees and  limbs have been removed and we are starting to build cover using Orange Cable company leftover pipe that has been approved by the State DNR. This pipe has a very fine piece of metal within it but I don’t know if it will show up on my humminbird.

What materials show up the best on my humminbird so us older guys can see what we put in the lake. We will be taking GPS coordinates but we want to make it easy to find for everyone.

How would small Aluminum Pie tins stapled to the pipe or aluminum foil stuffed in the pipe show up easily?

Humminbird PC / Re: 2000 points exceeded error [UPDATE]
« Last post by Kenai on July 17, 2024, 08:05:09 AM »
I have an update after a lot of mailing with HB support.
They are not able to duplicate that error, however they sent me profile.txt from other Helix. To my confusion it does not work either and HBPC shows again model Unknown. It seems that is how all Helix units are displayed in HBPC as Unknown.
However, I tried it on 3 other PC on two location where was never any HB HW or SW present. I got the same result, always the same error.
I can summarize my findings as follows:
1.   it does not matter if 598 was connected
2.   it does not matter from which Helix is profile.txt
3.   track file used, makes no difference.
4.   SD card is also out of suspicion (I tried 3 different ones, and it worked without profile.txt on each of them, but not with profile.txt. )
5.   My Helix has no influence on this (it does not work with any Helix g4n  profile.txt for me)
6.   Faulty PC/ installation of HBPC (tried on 3 different PC on two different locations with the same result)
7.   I tried it offline without internet – no difference.

Technically, we can say. HBPC refuse to upload any track with more than 2000 track points to any SD containing profile.txt from Helix G4N on any PC except one that uses HB support for testing. :-O

Please, could someone with Helix G4N try if it is possible for him to upload a track file with more than 2000 track points in HBPC.
If someone wants to try that and don't have Helix G4N, I can provide profile.txt for testing.

Helix Series Units / Re: Helix 7 MSI GPS G4N
« Last post by Kenai on July 13, 2024, 09:01:13 PM »
Hi. Does anyone have the newest Helix 7 MSI GPS G4N. If so, could you tell if your unit has the side and down image view together. Humminbird technical are telling me they have removed this view from this unit and replaced it with SI/SI view instead.
Humminbird told me to reset my unit back to factory settings, and then put it in advance mode, make sure the correct transducer was selected and try again, and when I had done all these things and took a video of me doing this and sent it to them, they then tell me my unit does not have this view.
I'm left wondering if they are fobbing me off.
Best wishes
Try to press and hold view button until it shows you a view express menu with possible views. Also, try to double-check if that view is not hidden under view tab in menu. Additionally, you can try in simulator. If there is a problem with the transfer, it will not occur in the simulator.
If that doesn't help, I would go to the nearest shop and try it on a different unit.
Helix Series Units / Re: Helix 7 MSI GPS G4N
« Last post by Randysbird on July 11, 2024, 11:53:55 PM »
Yes it does

Works great
Thanks for the reply.
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