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Lakemaster AutoChart / Re: Ethernet connection to laptop for realtime mapping
« Last post by themothaship on December 04, 2023, 05:17:20 PM »
I've been trying to get at the streams myself and have gotten as far as getting back SLP attribute replies about the various sonar streams but I can't seem to figur eout how to actually get data back from these streams.

The attributes replies include multicastip address as a property but when i open up a socket and bind to the port from the attribute reply, and add the multicast gruop membership with the ip specified,  I don't get any udp packets. Is there another layer/protocol involved with those sonar streams?
Lakemaster AutoChart / Re: Ethernet connection to laptop for realtime mapping
« Last post by OceanAID on November 28, 2023, 02:16:24 PM »
Thanks, we might need to figure out how to access those sonar streams. It would be great to get the detection working with HB so I dont have to invest in an imagenex or something else.

And yeah we have good accuracy for detecting derelict vessel, planes, traps, and ropes.
We are working on making it real-time on the boat detection now.
Lakemaster AutoChart / Re: Ethernet connection to laptop for realtime mapping
« Last post by oschi on November 27, 2023, 01:18:10 PM »
AC does not read son files. It gets sonar streams directly.
Do you have any results of target recognition from recordings?
Sounds interesting.
Helix Series Units / Re: Helix 7 G3N to Helix 9 G4N - Is it worth $1000
« Last post by oschi on November 27, 2023, 10:13:06 AM »
It depends on your boat speed and of course ping speed what you can see. The lower your speed/ higher the ping speed the more details you get.
These are herrings about 9-10" size from my G4N 9".
General Discussion / Re: HELIX 7 MSI GPS G4N transducers
« Last post by John Coward on November 27, 2023, 04:20:42 AM »
Thanks for the water setting. That one I knew about. As I said before, I have had Humminbird sidescan units for over 10 years and I though I was fairly good at using them, but you never stop learning, and as we share our knowledge, we hopefully get the most out of our units.
Best wishes
General Discussion / Re: HELIX 7 MSI GPS G4N transducers
« Last post by navionic on November 27, 2023, 03:27:21 AM »
Hi to all of you.
I've been a Humminbird user for over 15 years and have recently got the Helix 7 GPS GN4 unit which comes with the XTM 9 HW MSI 150 T Transducer. I was woundering if there is a better transducer to improve the side imaging as I operate in salt water in depths of 25metres (82ft) and my other unit which is a Hummingbird 798ci SI HD seems to give a better image.
I notice that the Helix 8 has what seems a bigger transducer( XNT 9 HW T) but according to Humminbird, it is not combatable with the Helix 7.
I would be interested in your ideas and comments.
Best wishes
Just thoughts. I hope you didn't forget to switch to salt water mode.
Lakemaster AutoChart / Ethernet connection to laptop for realtime mapping
« Last post by OceanAID on November 26, 2023, 11:31:55 AM »

I am connecting my laptop with Autochart to my Helix 9 SI+ unit using the AS EC CHART - PC NETWORKING CABLE. I was hoping that this connection would give be access to the raw .son files that area being written, so that I can process these files in real-time for a program I am writing.

I wanted to see if someone with more experience with autochart know where files are being written, and if its possible to access the .son files being written in real-time.

I feel that the .son files are converted into the .aci files right away so it might not be possible.

To give a bit more information about my project, I am writting a program to convert .son -> .xtf then process the image side imaging data and run target recognition on it. It would be great to get this working on a humminbird sonar and make it available.



Helix Series Units / Re: Helix 7 G3N to Helix 9 G4N - Is it worth $1000
« Last post by Still Afloat on November 26, 2023, 12:55:14 AM »
Thanks for the reply.

I currently have a Helix 7 DI and two Helix 7 SI.  The SI units are networked, the DI is not. Can’t say that I have noticed any difference in the DI between the two.  More important, I rarely spot any fish in SI or DI modes so I just use these modes to learn structure in new waters.

So you are saying I can see a 9” rock at 25m or a 9” fish at 25m?  If the later, I’d really have to see it to believe it.
Helix Series Units / Re: Helix 7 G3N to Helix 9 G4N - Is it worth $1000
« Last post by oschi on November 25, 2023, 08:03:29 PM »
Much better SI. Real DI, the 7's DI is just left and right SI overlayed. Higher ping speed. 9" pings 25x per sec at 25m SI, results in better resolution.
If you want the best SI and real DI go for it.
Helix Series Units / Helix 7 G3N to Helix 9 G4N - Is it worth $1000
« Last post by Still Afloat on November 25, 2023, 05:09:06 PM »
So the million dollar question, actually $1000 question; Is it worth it to upgrade from the Helix 7 to a Helix 9?
It looks like the difference in the Helix 9 just a larger screen, WiFi and two cards slots.  MegaLive is lagging the competition and I’m not counting on any significant developments during the Gen 4 life cycle. So MegaLive is not a motivator.

Even with the Helix 9 currently marked down $600 off I’m not yet motivated enough to pull the trigger. Am I missing something?
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