Other Humminbird Products > Matrix Series Fishing Systems
Needing transducer for matrix 37
Hello all I have a question, I am in need of a new transducer for matrix 37 since i need to buy a new one is there one made for another unit that will work better than the one made for this unit? i am also running 587ci HD DI Combo so is there one that will be compatible with he 587 as well as the matrix 37?
Thanks Bill
The XNT-9-QB-90-T QuadraBeam transducer is still the best option for the Matric 37 unit.
No, there are no transducers that will work with both the 587ci HD DI model and Matrix model units without taking away some of the sonar capabilities of at least one of these units. The DI model units are different in the way they work and the frequencies they use versus the rest of our products.
Thanks Greg, now I have to find a cheap transducer for the matrix 37.
For the transom Bill, the XNT-9-QB-90-T is the only one that will allow the Matrix 37 to use its side beams. You could use a less expensive DualBeam transducer XNT-9-20-T, It has the same 2D sonar as the Quadrabeam transducer but it does not have the two additional wide sonar beams,
Greg I think i will go with the XNT-9-QB-90-T . might as well keep all the features.
Thanks again
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