Side Imaging Forums > 1197c SI, 1198c SI & 1199ci HD SI

1198c, 998c, Ultrex iPilot problems HELP PLEASE..


I need some assistance with not only the 1198c but also the 998c.
both units are operating on version 6.600 and neither connect to iPilot from my 2018 Ultrex whether it's directly plugged into the ethernet port or plugged into my 5 port hub.  I haven't been able to find any other software updates between 6.600 and the newest 7.640 versions. The downloads page doesn't have the files listed or available. Could someone please help me out? I have been in contact with Humminbird and Minn Kota in hopes they would have some solutions but came up empty. I would also like to add that with the latest update my units go haywire, meaning while hitting the view button to switch screens, going through menus, hitting the shortcut keys the units will shutoff and reboot making them unusable, when this happened I reverted back to a previous version that was stable which was 6.600. I know that updates should be performed in sequence from one to another and it is not recommended to revert back to previous versions because it could lock up the units making them paper weights. 

Software updates do not have to be performed in sequential order  ...

You should be able to update directly to the latest version available on the HB website  ...


Thanks for the reply.


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