Side Imaging Forums > 1197c SI, 1198c SI & 1199ci HD SI
1197-Chartplotter window scale keeps changing on me
Hi All,
Once I enter Lat/Lon of a target I want to dive and drive the boat towards it I generally set the chartplotter window scale to view where I am to say, 1,000 feet. As I get closer to the target I drill down for an expanded view to say 500 feet, then 100 feet then 20 feet etc..
For the past month or so I'll have it set at say 100 feet and all by itself perhaps a minute later it moves to 500 feet. It is doing this all the time.
I did the 2 re-format moves and that did not solve the problem.
Any help appreciated.
Have you tried Restore Defaults ??
Yes and I did and "Format Nav Directory" also.
If you are using a map card try the scenario with no map card just using the basemap ...
Great idea thank you. Will do.
It it stops doing it while my Navionics chip is out-what does that tell me/us?
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