Side Imaging Forums > 798c SI
Installation Questions
Phhhh, this is going to be lengthy... Have had the 798 on my boat for 7-8 years or so, pretty happy with it, side scan is not as good on the port side, but that is pretty much remedied with a little motor trim. Last month I was running 30 kts or so in the ocean, looked back to check in the deck area to make sure all is well, and my transducer is laying on the deck ??? Apparently I smacked something, and instead of the transom mount kicking the transducer up, it busted the mount, and who knows how long the transducer was beat about by the cable until it finally (luckily) flipped into the boat. Upon inspection, seemed to be ok, ordered a new mount, and the other day off to another fishing trip. Started the motor, turned the unit on, and my sonar was whacky. All else worked, but my sonar is on a 200' scale, reading 180', and a 27 degree temp, and I am in 4' of 45 degree water. Frustrated, messed with the settings for 15 mins or so, and I cant get it right. Turned the motor off, and VOILA! screen goes to my normal settings, like it always was, except 27 degree water. I was able to wreck fish that day, just had to get on my marks and turn the motor off to actually see what was down there. Upon inspection again returning to the ramp, my cable was damaged slightly at the point it enters the transducer, my bad...
Anyway, ordered a new transducer and waiting on it to arrive. It was damaged and obviously not working right, but why in the world would it work correctly with the motor off? I am in the process of doing some rewiring in the boat as I removed the old stuff, and have a few questions, as my owners manual really has nothing on installation, only how to use the units functions.
Currently I have the unit powered to a 3 amp in-line fuse that goes straight to the battery, but in the chase that has ALL of the boats wiring bow to stern. Should I just take it to my fuse box in the console, (more interference?) or leave it to the battery, maybe try to reroute to the battery another way? My power cable does have the ferrite (sp?) device on it...
Also, should my transducer cable be routed other than the chase with all the other cables? It would be difficult to do, but of course, any thing is possible.
I can see my unit not working correctly due to a damaged transducer, but working correctly (other than the faulty temp) when the motor is off has me a little confused. Sorry so long, and any help is appreciated, Robeir
The damage to the xducer cable has injured the combined shielding properties that keep out errant Interference ...(in your case interference from the motor harness) ...
Unfortunately there have been numerous reports of the plastic transom mount breaking before the "kick-up" feature of the mount disengaged ...
Some have trimmed the plastic tabs on the mount half slightly that "pop" into the base half ... Care must be taken to not trim the plastic tabs too much that water pressure from higher speed "kick-up" the xducer too easily ...
It is always a good idea to separate the unit power cable and xducer cable as much as possible from other wires because these "other" wires are common sources of emitting interference types that can encroach into the HB unit power cable and/or xducer cable ...
Once again, thank you Rickie. Should receive the new Xducer tomorrow, gonna reroute the cable regardless, and hopefully I am good to go...
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