Side Imaging Forums > 798c SI
798 ci hd si problem - update failure
Nothing ok with my unit 798 CI HD SI.
First, when start, all I see was a message "initialising". After this a white screen. And freeze. No action. Need to cut off power.
Then looked for solutions on Humminbird page and in tihs forum.
Decided to update firmware, based on posts.
Then I download update firmware 7.680 on official site.
Start uint pressing "VIEW" button. Showed screen with text:
4.540 OCT 15 2010
and a menu... option.
Turn Off unit.
Then I inserted SD CARD with firmware file.
Turn ON pressing VIEW button.
Chosed option 8. DOWNLOAD TO RAM
Unit begin work with a message: "DOWNLOADING"
After a time appeared this ERROR MESSAGE: "FAILURE"
Tried others times, result is always this.
What is wrong?
This one I have no info for at all ...
If no one else pops in - here is contact info for international ...
--- Quote from: clovisgtl on February 25, 2018, 01:34:50 PM ---Nothing ok with my unit 798 CI HD SI.
First, when start, all I see was a message "initialising". After this a white screen. And freeze. No action. Need to cut off power.
Then looked for solutions on Humminbird page and in tihs forum.
Decided to update firmware, based on posts.
Then I download update firmware 7.680 on official site.
Start uint pressing "VIEW" button. Showed screen with text:
4.540 OCT 15 2010
and a menu... option.
Turn Off unit.
Then I inserted SD CARD with firmware file.
Turn ON pressing VIEW button.
Chosed option 8. DOWNLOAD TO RAM
Unit begin work with a message: "DOWNLOADING"
After a time appeared this ERROR MESSAGE: "FAILURE"
Tried others times, result is always this.
What is wrong?
--- End quote ---
good luck
As I live in Brazil, AS-PC3 buying option is not good.
Specially by a long time to receive it. More than, this by high custom taxes.
So, the option is do it myself.
Is posted topic, i found this link:
I will do my own cable.
Thanks a lot.
:) :) :)
Good and bad news.
I have done a cable to make connection from my notebook to my HB 798 with success.
My HB software reconized unit.
When try to "update", unit begins a percentual transfer and never finish it.
A message "failure" appears always.
Boostrap mode is the only way to do something different from white screen.
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