Side Imaging Forums > 898c SI
Lost Fish ID+ after 6.640 and 6.740. Hummingbird's Fix/Update Soon.
I just got off the phone with Humminbird support. They are aware of the problem and said to switch from the dual beam to 200kHz to correct the problem for now. The Fish ID+ will work then. They said they are working on a new Version Software Upgrade from the 6.740 and will email them out to registered owners for the fix. Its not the transducer or unit. The last update caused the problem and they are working on it now soon to be released. This is straight from Humminbird a minute ago. They also told me not to go back to 6.180 because of the "Bricking" problem that could occur. I switched transducers from my 565 Unit and had the same results. He said its the software that caused the problem not my unit or transducer. He said to watch and wait as it will be out soon. Thanks to all who responded to my other post and hopefully they will have this version out real soon. Anyone else hear of this from them? Hollywood
6+ years ago and this is still relevant information for some of us! Thanks for the post.
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