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Getting .son and .dat files off of Helix 7 CHIRP MSI GPS G3N onto mSD card


William Rodney:
Does anyone have advice on getting .son and .dat files off of a Helix 7 CHIRP MSI GPS G3N onto mSD card (Samsung 120 GB capacity)?

Humminbird units record directly to a SD Card into a folder labeled RECORD  ...

In this RECORD folder on the SD Card will be the SON data to be used in a 3rd party viewer  ...


If you attempted a recording with a map card in the unit - it is very possible your recording is now on the map card  ... which can corrupt the map card  ...

If this is the case you will need to open the map card in File Explorer and remove the RECORD folder from he map card root directory  ...


If my memory serves me correctly, your Helix only supports microSB cards 32GB amd smaller. Your card memory size may be your problem...

William Rodney:
OK, so I guess I need a 32G mSD card, for starters. Thanks! 8)


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