So does that mean that the 998's imaging will work through the mega transducer but just at the 998s freq?
Correct ....Turn CHIRP imaging off in the MEGA and 455kHz and 800kHz imaging should share from the MEGA xducer to the 998 ...
Side note ...: There will be a DI image in the 998 when subscribed to the MEGA xducer (with CHIRP imaging turned off in the MEGA unit) ...
But the DI image in the 998 will not be from the dedicated DI piezo in the MEGA xducer ... The DI image in the 998 will still be a blended computer generated image from the SI piezoes (in the MEGA xducer) processed into a format that looks like a DI image ...
The 998 has
no dedicated DI technology processor capability regardless of what xducer it is connected to or subscribed to (thru Ethernet) ...