Side Imaging Forums > 1197c SI, 1198c SI & 1199ci HD SI
1197 locking up
have had this 1197 unit connected via Ethernet cable to a helix 10 g2n....all actual waypoints r on the helix unit...before a tournament this weekend I downloaded the waypoints from the helix onto an sd card so I could put them on the 1197....when I put the sd card in the 1197 it asked if I wanted to "upload new nav data"...I selected yes then it said "uploading nav data"....then within 2 seconds said "no new nav data found"....restarted the unit put the chip in again and same things happened....then reloaded the waypoints from the helix to the sd card and tried again...same problem...put the sd card in humminbird pc to verify there was waypoints on it and there was....put it back in the 1197 and same problem no new nav data found even though there r no waypoints on the I loaded the waypoints into humminbird pc....cleared the sd card...then put the waypoints back on the card from humminbird pc....restarted the 1197 and inserted the to the uploading nav data screen and there it sat...I let it sit for 20 minutes like that (more than enough time) before deciding it was locked up...had to unplug the 1197 because I couldn't turn it off with the when I turn it on it is functional for about 20 secs before it locks up and becomes unresponsive...what should I do next
Try disconnecting the Ethernet and starting the unit in Simulator ...
Press the Menu button when the HB splash screen appears and select Simulator from the popup choices ...
Then Format Nav Directories and Restore Defaults under the Setup tab ...
The unit may restart in Normal operation after Restore Defaults so shut it down and restart back into Simulator mode again ...
Give the unit a few minutes to fully boot into Simulator (my 1197 takes a minute or two to load the Nav tab into the Menu system in Simulator operation) ...
Then go into Waypoints Routes Tracks under the Nav tab to see if there is anything listed in the left pane of Waypoint Management ...
Report back with results ...
thank you r the man.....formatting the nav directories did the trick
then reset to defaults...rebooted the unit...loaded my charts then loaded my waypoints....all is good
thanks again
--- Quote from: muller2357 on July 17, 2017, 10:29:43 PM ---thank you r the man.....formatting the nav directories did the trick
then reset to defaults...rebooted the unit...loaded my charts then loaded my waypoints....all is good
thanks again
--- End quote ---
If the issue was a corrupt Waypoint you may still experience issues ...
It may be a good idea to load your waypoints into Humminbird PC and check for weird Waypoint data - duplicates, bad dates, irrelevant lat/long characters ...
It has even been reported that Waypoint names with dashes, spaces, or characters instead of letters and numbers can create gremlins ...
First Rickie, Thank you so much for your helps both here and I had a similar situation yesterday. Was fishing table Rock and had down loaded the MDC fish attractors thru humminbird pc and put on a SD card. When I inserted the card it read loading data, but locked up. Then i had to pull power to shut down. After restart any attempt to display map would freeze the unit. After following your instructions above I have it loading maps again. I am afraid to try a sd card again. Considering making a new card and loading to my 798 that is interlinked to the 1197.....Is that a bad idea? Thanks
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