Side Imaging Forums > Helix Series Units



I am new to HB with a Helix 10 SI. I would like to zoom to a specific section of the water column, not just the bottom track. ex: I am in 160 ft of water fishing for salmon, I would like to zoom into 20-50' on one half of the screen and regular sonarbon the other half of the screen. The closest to this is on pg 30-32 of the manual but not really what I want.

Auto Range in 2d "tries" to keep the bottom in the center of the display (this is why the 2d image bottom detail seems to "jump" occasionally)  ...

Use the 2d "Upper Range" and "Lower Range" to eliminate the entire displayed image outside of your chosen values  ...

This will (in effect) zoom the section of the water column chosen between the "Upper Range" and "Lower Range" values entered  ...



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