Hi all,
after Timo came out with his new HumFinder, I downloaded and installed it and started to play with it to see how it works and how I can use it to screen my old recordings.
Three days (nights) ago, I was looking at the recordings of the kayak I found last year and had the search radius accidentally set to 1000 metres when I hit the search button. Next this showed up:
First I thought I had chosen the wrong folder, but after seeing that it was the right folder, I realized that I had two different areas scanned and apparently had found something that caught my interest at the time. So I called up Martin's HumViewer and looked at the recordings there. Same story, but the images and especially the length and the depths were different.
So I reviewed the recordings of the new "Kayak" couple of times and got the feeling that I missed something last year. Looking at the different recordings, I'm still not sure what exactly it is what I missed, but it's interesting enough to go for a dive as soon as the boat is back on the water

Here's another shot. It's in 2D and SI and it shows what I call a "secondary" or "halo" echo in the 2D section. It's hard to see on the picture uploaded here, but in the actual 2D view on the HumViewer there is an arch IN THE GROUND. I observed such arches in the other recordings of the different wrecks I discovered last year. For me this is a good hint and indicator that it's not just a seaweed roll or a bunch of fishes hanging around near the ground.
Now I just have to wait to get the boat ready and then I'll be out to find out.
Come on weather: Warm up!!!!
@Timo: Thanks a megaton! Looks like you made my day

Regards / Harry